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Guided Breathing Meditation Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on breathing … Find a comfortable position … Sit in an upright posture, with your legs crossed and your palms gently placed on your knees or in your lap … Follow your body here … Whatever feels most comfortable for you … And close your eyes … Make any adjustments here if you wish …

Extending the spine … Lengthening the back of the neck by tucking your chin in just a little … Dropping your shoulders … Relaxing your fingers, and your toes … Relaxing your forehead … Your jaw … Allow every space of your body now to simply find stillness in each moment … To find peace and quiet … Away from any distractions … And taking a moment to realise your own presence … Taking in the things around you … Any particular sounds, or sensations … Perhaps there’s a breeze coming from the window, or a chirping bird …

Observe the temperature of your body … Is it cool or warm … Or perhaps it’s neutral … Just being in the now … Observing your body, and your mind … Slowly welcoming the breath into this gentle awareness … Feeling the air flow in through the nose … Travel down to your lungs … Expanding the belly and chest … And then coming back out through the mouth … Breathing in … And breathing out … Bringing your awareness to the abdomen … Relaxing the muscles here … Your body is breathing itself … Observe the way your breath is today … Is it shallow or deep … Slow or fast … Smooth or rough … Regular or irregular … Do you tend to push the breath or hold it … Be curious about the breath … Explore it’s character with a gentle curiosity … About seventy percent of our toxins are released from our body through the breath … Breathing deeply helps the body to process this more efficiently … Allowing to activate it’s relaxation response … Reducing stress … Fatigue … Physical and  mental tension … Strengthening the immune system … When we experience difficult situations, our breathing becomes shallow … Breathing deeply encourages feelings of calm … Helping you to relax your body and mind … And now … We will spend some time breathing in for a count of four, holding the breath for seven, and then exhaling for a count of eight … Place the tip of the tongue on the tissue behind the top front teeth … Empty the lungs of all air … Breathe in quietly through the nose for four … Hold the breath for a count of seven … And exhale through the mouth for a count of eight … We will repeat this cycle of deep breathing four times … I will count along with you … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four

… Hold … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Eight … Notice how each breath is slow and consistent … And again … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four … Hold … Two … Three

… Four … Five … Six … Seven … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six

… Seven … Eight … And again … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four … Hold … Two …

Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five

… Six … Seven … Eight … And one last time … Breathe in … Two … Three … Four …

Hold … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … And breathe out … Two … Three … Four … Five … Six … Seven … Eight … 

Notice how you feel … The way your heart is slowing down … Take comfort in knowing that there is nothing else to do but to listen to my voice and tune into your breath … Letting everything go … Your body emptied, of all concern … Of any tension … Letting go of worry … Doubts … Allowing your breath move with ease now … Effortlessly … Rising and falling … Enjoying this relaxation … Enjoying this time … For yourself … For your body and  mind … Bring attention to any feelings that may stand out to you now … Simply noticing the natural flow of the breath … Creating more space … More freedom to move with clarity and forgiveness … Breathing very gently … Nurturing the infinite breath … Reminding yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for certain … Breathing in the present … Breathing out the past … Providing your body with strength … Purifying the mind … Breathing deeply to bring your mind home to your body … 

And now … As this practice comes to an end … Take one last deep breath … And release … Welcoming back your surroundings … Begin to gently stretch your body … Move your head from side to side … Your wrists and your ankles … Move all your fingers and toes … Waking up every part of you back to full alertness … Thanking yourself for finding time to be still today … To be mindful … To simply be with the breath … And when you are ready, gently open your eyes … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by Starlight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day.

Download Guided Breathing Meditation Audio Lecture in mp3  format

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