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Guided Meditation Gratitude Audio Lecture

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15 Aug 2020

Guided Meditation Gratitude Audio Lecture

Welcome to StarLight Breeze meditations … Today, we will focus on cultivating gratitude … And now, find a comfortable position … In a quiet place, completely undisturbed … Sit in an upright posture, fully supported … Keep your back, neck, and head straight … But not too tight … Settle into your space to spend some well deserved time for yourself … In this moment … To find stillness in the movements … In the breath … In the mind … To slow down the pace of ongoing thoughts … Images … Memories … Plans … And when you are ready, softly close your eyes … Relaxing your shoulders … Your jaw … Your eyebrows …

And allow your tongue to drop down from the roof of your mouth … Release any tension … Allow your body to become heavy … One with the breath … Breathing in … And breathing out … Feeling the air travel through the nose, down into your lungs … Expanding your belly and chest … And flowing back out into the air through the mouth …  Gently breathing in … And breathing out … Be gentle with the breath … There is no straining, no pushing … Just gentle breaths … Welcoming this moment of peace and quiet in an open, warm embrace … As you relax here … Becoming more grounded … More centred … Breathe into the belly … And release … Allow a wave of relaxation to slowly wash over your body … Imagine this wave is warm … As if it felt like a beautiful, sunny day … How it feels to have the warm sun caress your skin … Soothe you completely … Beginning from the top of your head … Moving down into your neck and shoulders … Going down your arms … Allowing this warmth to spread down your back … Your chest and abdomen … Flowing down into your hops … Legs … Extending all the way down to your toes … You feel safe … And relaxed … And if at any point you catch your thoughts wandering, know that this is completely okay …  Distractions are inevitable … Just simply notice that your mind has strayed, and gently return to the rhythm of the breath … To the sensations of the breath … Knowing that you are right where you need to be … Nothing else to do … Nowhere to go … 

And now, taking a few moments to scan your body for any areas where there is tightness … Tension … Soreness … Perhaps even pain … Breathe into these areas … Allowing these sensations to to be released on your next exhale … Dissolving slowly … And notice if you feel any emotions arise to the surface … Any judgement … Impatience … Doubt … Or perhaps content … Joy … Excitement … Even if you are feeling neutral, just notice the state of your body, and your mind … To all that you have brought along with you to this practice today … And allowing it all to be released … Any holding on … With every out-breath, give yourself permission to invite more stillness … Peace … Silence … 

And now that your body and mind are feeling clearer … A little bit more spacious, and open … I invite you to place both of your palms to the top of your chest, right above your heart centre … Even if it doesn’t feel right … Just allow your hands to rest in this area of your body … Feel the warmth from your palms … Thanking yourself for being here today … And acknowledging that just by purely turning up, you have already achieved so much … For having made the decision to be with the body … With the breath … Maintaining a sense of gratitude for yourself, and for this time … Slowly begin to send your mind towards your feet … Being grateful for your feet and toes for carrying your body each and every day … For your ankles and their flexibility, allowing you to walk … Being grateful for your shins and  calves, giving you support … Being grateful for your knees … For the flexible joints that helps you move forward … For your thighs … Being grateful for your pelvis, protecting your organs … For being a strong foundation of your body … For your hips, holding your emotions, allowing you to be active … Being grateful for your torso, your front, and your back … For your stomach, helping you to digest nutrition … For your lungs, allowing you to breathe … Being grateful for the spine, for it’s constant and magnificent support … Being grateful for your shoulders, for helping you carry your responsibilities … Being grateful for your arms, for helping you embrace every experience with love and compassion … Being grateful for your wrists, your hands, your fingers … Allowing you to carry out your daily tasks … Being grateful for your neck, for supporting your head …  Being grateful for your lips, mouth, nose, eyes, and ears … For allowing you to sense … Being grateful for the head, your mind, your brain, for being a part of you … Breathe gently here … Allowing for the nutrition of this practice to sink in … Rest in this soothing experience … Surrender to all that you are feeling in this moment … 

Cultivating gratitude helps us to maintain the feelings of happiness, joy, and appreciation for all things that life presents us with … Taking time to stop and note what you are grateful for expands your positivity … Lessening emotions of stress and worry … And note that you already have several marvellous gifts … The gift of life itself … The most precious gift of all

… The gift of a heartbeat … Steady … Regular … 

And now … As the time approaches to conclude this practice … Take a deep breath in … And breathe out … Gently begin by stretching your body … In any way that feels comfortable for you … Moving your legs, ankles, feet, and toes … Moving with ease … You can rub your hands together … Feel them tingle back to awareness … Broaden your alertness to external sensations of the surrounding space, sound, touch, and light … And when you are ready, soft open your eyes … Staying with the breath for a few more moments before continuing with your day … We hope you enjoyed this meditation practice by StarLight Breeze, and may you have a wonderful day. 

Download Guided Meditation Gratitude Audio Lecture MP3

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